Friday, November 17, 2006

Book a guide and catering

Visitors are welcome at Burrendong Botanic Garden and Arboretum whether they arrive by foot, bicycle, car or coach. Tea and coffee are always available to visitors at the Information Centre. By prior arrangement groups can have a guide and catering for lunch, morning and afternoon teas. Contact the Curator and send or fax the form below. Copy and paste the text below into a word document.

Burrendong Botanic Garden & Arboretum
PO Box 465 Wellington NSW, 2820.
Ph 02 6846 7454 Fax 02 6846 7681

Group Tour Booking Form


Date of intended visit:

Time: from to

Expected number in group:

Tour guide required- (please circle) yes no

Catering required (please circle): none lunch am tea pm tea

Charge quoted:

Any special requirements:

Main contact person:


Phone number:



Acceptance or non-acceptance of the above booking will be given within 7 days of return of this form. A deposit of 20 % may be paid to secure the booking and can be forwarded together with this form. Alternatively payment can be made on the day.

Office Use Only

Booking accepted/ not accepted
Deposit received –
Date-Signed by-_____________________________________________
On behalf of Burrendong Arboretum Trust